Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Graduate Courses in Missiology

From the Catholic Church’s continuing response to the call of Redemptoris Missio and to the concerns of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference (FABC), the understanding of mission has evolved from missio ad gentes to missio inter gentes. The diversity of religions and cultures of Asia and the Pacific are fertile grounds for the sowing of the seeds of the Gospel which can be explored through the SVD thrust on prophetic dialogue. The SVD-ASPAC graduate courses in missiology are oriented to chart new pathways of doing mission by integrating into a systematic whole the many years of mission experiences of the SVDs who have been working in many parts of Asia and the Pacific. The graduate courses constitute academic studies with actual researches on concrete human life situations as the bases to create new pathways of doing mission.

Requirements for Admission

In order to be admitted to the Licentiate Program, the candidate must have a four-year Ecclesiastical degree with a weighted average of 88 or better.


1.1 For Filipino students, needed is a Transcript of Records (TOR) with Special Order (S.O.).

1.2. For foreign students, the TOR must be translated into English and is authenticated by the Philippine embassy in their country. In addition, required are Birth Certificate, I - Card, Student Visa (not Missionary Visa), and two copies (2x2) of ID photos must be submitted to the Dean’s office.

1.3. Written permission to study from his/her respective Superior or Local Ordinary.

Language requirement:

Since English is the medium of instruction, the student of countries where English is not ordinarily spoken must pass the standard of DWST. Otherwise, the applicant will take up an English course of at least six months in a language school previously identified by DWST with the help of the Superior Delegatus.

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